Time marches onward
“Spangler of clouds, halo of crystal rivers,
Mingler with leaves, and dew and tumbling streams,
Closer of lovely eyes to lovely dreams,
Lover of loneliness, and wandering,
Of upcast eye, and tender pondering!
Thee must I praise above all other glories
That smile us on to tell delightful stories.
For what has made the sage or poet write
But the fair paradise of Nature’s light?”-John Keats (from ‘I stood tip-toe upon a little hill’, 1887)
tis the season for root work
This is a great time of the year to begin conversation on your future garden dreams and schemes! This time of year we are nourishing our spirits and souls to return to the 2025 season with new ideas, fresh perspectives and renewed faith in our work. Just like the trees, shrubs and perennials surrounding us this is our root work.
This Green City is here to be your resource in ecological gardening in Pittsburgh, PA. If you are looking for a company that offers you a partnership with nature, we are here for you. We like to believe we act as liaisons to the wild, striking a balance with the needs of the urban landscape and the desires of our beloved clients. The passion of the team of This Green City is enduring and evolving, we believe in the work we are doing and it shows.
This Green City is an established firm with a select clientele throughout the Greater Pittsburgh area, feel free to peruse some of our current projects to see what we are up to and how we can work for you. Please email jen@thisgreencitypgh.com to get in touch with us – we are currently scheduling for all things spring clean up, design consulting /planning for 2025!
We believe in the ‘triple bottom line’ People, Planet, Profit and are looking to create channels of opportunity for our team to utilize our skills for the greater good of the community. If you have a project in mind, or would like to know more, please email us for more information!
Full Service Landscaping Design and more
Planning and Planting
This Green City offers a comprehensive package that looks beyond the immediacy of the season, creating a manageable year-round multi-phased approach. This systems-based assessment and design strategy allows the garden to grow with the client, creating an impactful and lasting unique environment with an individualized built-in management system.
Contact us today to plant for tomorrow!
Why Native Plants?
Native plants are defined as species that have been identified as indigenous to a certain area or bioregion.
These plants are an intrinsic part of our ecosystem, creating habitat, supporting pollinators of all shapes and sizes, providing food sources for other wildlife and a myriad of additional benefits. *This doesn’t mean that some non-native plants don’t offer benefits to the wildlife as well, we believe it is important to support and understand all plant communities!
This Green City can offer an extensive and diverse plant palette we have worked with for many years.
Permaculture is based on systems-based thinking, a concept that ensures each piece effectively integrates with the rest, creating a more robust, efficient system.
When we apply permaculture to the landscape, we are looking to create managed ecosystems that take into account all potential facets of life, interaction and interrelational benefits.
How do you walk through this space? What is the sun’s path? What are the ways we can approach this design to create a successful, highly utilized, self-sufficient ecosystem that over time provides greater returns than input? How can we showcase nature’s successes?

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